Wednesday, March 01, 2006

sara does world news like debbie does dallas

What fell out of today's ear:

onset carpal tunnel, heatless haunted house, chummy doctors, cantankerous sandwich-maker, Agent Cooper, fingerpicking in the dark, animated Hindu god, naval secrecy, transcendentalism, latinate states of being, and a declaration of hazelnut fiction after lunch.

Thank goodness for bottled water.

A spatter of newsbits:

Only ten years ago
did divorce become legal in Ireland, and my Irish source tells me that in his country of 4 million people about 5,000 people a year apply for divorce. Naturally, I came across this fact and thought to ask him about it as he wrote saying he was getting married in the spring.

If you’ve been spitting or blowing your nose onto the sidewalks of Beijing, cut it out or you’ll be fined. Because the Chinese have foresight, however, people wearing bright orange coats will be on the street, handing out bags marked by the symbol for "mucus," I guess to ease into the new regime. This is not one of my wild head-ventures.

Apparently, in Iceland, today is Beer Day, in celebration of the lifting of prohibition. Pehaps you want to try some Egils, or some Thule, or some Viking.

Today is also Whuppity Scoorie in Scotland. "[Children] gather before 6 pm, assembling at St Nicholas church, then as the wee bell rings run round it waving balls of paper around their heads. It is no longer a race, for safety reasons…."

And in America, another kind of spitting goes on, the kind that happens after a man bites a chunk of flesh out of his girlfriend’s cheek. Maybe I’ve told poor-me stories about bad-boyfriend events, but I was just being a pussy.

While researching some terminology used in a manuscript I was editing, I found early death records of the First Presbyterian Church of Goshen. Among reasons cited for causes of death are black vomit, old age, blister, drunkenness, and lunacy.


Blogger Nigel G Mitchell said...

My Dad died of lunacy. He tried to stuff bananas up his nose while whistling Dixie as he ran the wrong way down the New Jersey Turnpike on the back of an elephant painted green that had rabies. And then he died of a heart attack.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Nigel G Mitchell said...

I heard a story the other day about how rural Chinese have been cut off from the West for so long that they've lost almost all sense of Western manners. Beijing is rushing to teach its citizens in advance of the Olympic Games. Here's hoping they fail, and we get the grossest Olympics ever.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

That would certainly be entertaining--the grossest Olympics ever, or even a somewhat gross one. And fitting for the times.

An elephant painted green that had rabies? That IS insane.

1:19 PM  

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