Tuesday, February 21, 2006

crito crinkled the memo cacophonously

The difference between word and deed is mammoth.

I hope I have not been behaving like those people I complain about.

As far as I know, human language did not originate in frogs, despite a theory erected by one French swimmer and thinker. coac coac.

Dart injuries are on the rise. Don’t try this at home. Or, try this more frequently at home in order to improve performance to your liking.

Healthy candy bars, CocoaVia bars. Duh, in moderation, like with everything else.

Ricky Gervais podcast goes commercial. That is, Ricky Gervais of The Office brilliance.

Thank you, Axl. The name of my first book will be
T.W.A.T. I’ll change what it stands for, of course (perhaps Tiny Wankers Are Telepathic, Then Wonka Ate Tofu, Tipsy Waitresses Align Tires).

It’s the headline that attracted me: "Surviving Bee Gees Reunite for Charity." It essentially says, "Those Bee Gees Who Aren’t Dead…". Maybe better to kill the "surviving" part and address it in the article. But I’m no expert in journalism.


Blogger Sara said...

here too. my eyeballs froze.

twits, tweeters, and weedy teens for sure.

9:12 AM  

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