Thursday, November 04, 2004

Snippets Gathered So Far So Good

A few things for the day:

For the first time since before I moved to New Jersey just over three years ago, I'm drinking my coffee black. It's an experiment.

I talked to my mom last night. Everyone in my family voted for Bush, including my little brother who is in the Navy in South Carolina and cast an absentee ballot in Illinois. Kerry won Illinois, but still. She knew I would vote for Kerry if I voted at all. We still love each other just the same.

Yesterday, The Good Doctor said, "I don’t want to hear this. This is too many Bushes." In addition, I like when The Good Doctor sees me coming with a query and says in Indian accent, "What’s up?"

After four months at this job in the hospital, I still can’t seem to get over the awkwardness I feel when passing people in the hallway, particularly those people I pass several times a day. Honestly, though, I think a part of me gets off on that awkwardness, and so I drive red into it like the rocking-horse rider, purposefully and obsessively staring at people in the hallway, without saying a word to them, forcing them to feel awkward, too. That’s sick.

Let me describe the librarian in the Medical Library here at JFK Medical Center. She is a kind, gray-haired lady who wears calm solid colors or modest flowery dresses and speaks with a serene British accent. She also speaks French and German, as I know from eavesdropping on her phone conversations. She listens to classical music all day, and on her computer screen is a waterfall falling between lush green trees. Is she real? This is more evidence that indeed I and the rest of us are part of a performance directed by The Unknown, which means that back in the day when I was wee and thought there were cameras filming me in the bathroom, I was not lunatic but right on target.


Blogger kim said...

i'm ashamed to say my family voted bush too

6:36 PM  

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