Wednesday, May 17, 2006

two dreams

Last night I dreamed I attended an informal reunion for the National Academy of something-or-other (i.e., for people who get good grades). I was in the National Academy of Something-Or-Other’s souvenir store, where the clothing was red, white, and blue, stars and stripes. An outfit much like a drum major wears—short skirt, shirt, vest, funny hat in these colors and shapes—hung on the wall. "I’m glad my mom never bought that for me," I said. "I’d have had to kill her."

I chatted with the guy who seemed to have been a leader of the group, with whom I didn’t interact back in the day—he was up the hierarchy from me. His name may have been Tim or Andrew. His hair was light brown and sort of feathered, and he wore a light-colored long-sleeved button-down shirt. He made a cup of hot tea for me, making extra effort to be friendly with me, almost courting-like, which surprised me.

A couple people frolicked in the back yard. Red and orange leaves the size of baseball gloves and bigger were in piles across the whole yard, which appeared to be my grandma’s waking-life back yard. The leaves were impossibly beautiful.

As I pulled the tea-cup away from my mouth I felt a hair in my mouth, and another, which, when I held them out, looked like pubic hair. I wasn’t as grossed out in the dream as I was as the dreamer (or now as I write). I spoke to TimAndrew about a friend who had been in the Academy, who had become stagnant in recent years, negligent, mopily self-centered. I’d begun to lose my patience with said friend.

I woke and visited the bathroom. Upon return, I dreamed I was in a passenger rocketship.

Rocketships were becoming the new airplanes, and I was rushing to catch my flight. Obstacles diverted me, but finally I sat. Seating was much like that in a movie theater, many rows and in the red-dark. I may have begun having a dream within a dream, recalling to someone either inside or outside this dream how the last time I was on a rocketship, Juliette Binoche was found masturbating, crouched in a corner of the laundry room. What bright white walls. She was wearing a tiny white shirt with tiny yellow flowers and green stretch pants (pulled down a bit for action). Two girls wearing long blonde ponytails and no regard for pleasure found and mocked her. I felt alien on this ship. People were impersonal, concerned with their own business, and acted like a ride on a rocketship was commonplace. It felt like quick bustle on a city sidewalk.

I woke to jazz music on the radio, and sunshine.


Blogger Benjamin said...

Incredible. Love the last line x

7:52 PM  
Blogger {illyria} said...

i would have paid to watch binoche masturbating. even in your dreams. lovely, lovely, everything is. i missed you and all that.

3:18 AM  
Blogger Darius said...

I can't figure it out, but thanks for thinking of me -

Tim Andrews
aka, "Darius"

PS Seriously, I like the leaves. Had dreams like that too - things are larger and more vivid than life. A few times I've dreamt of music, and it was incredible!

8:09 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Thanks, Benjamin. It's the truth, the sunshine and the jazz.

hi transience. i don't know where the binoche masturbating scene came from. maybe i was excited when i went to sleep. when caught she looked a little embarrassed but more annoyed she'd been interrupted.

welcome, Tim Andrews, Darius. i loved the leaves. i wish i could touch them now. a couple times i've dreamed of music it's been so loud it woke me up. pretty interesting, i think.

crazy dreams persisted while i was away. something in the air.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

hi finnegan. i didn't catch the jazz/jizz connection. i guess everything comes together.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Jinbon H Wrong aka Sloop John B said...

These dreams could be strung together into a valid screenplay, perhaps to be executed in anime. With the jazz soundtrack, of course. David Lynch got nothing on this. Hey, I wish screenplays like this got produced.

9:39 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

That sounds great. I might need to thank Lynch, though, for some bit of indirect influence. There's a line in a Built to Spill song: I wanna see movies of my dreams.

That would be nice.

2:16 PM  

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