Friday, February 25, 2005

Steps To Make Your Face In The Snow

I have emerged from the snow with all my limbs, lives, and faculties.

I have emerged from the snow in tall black lace-up boots, with hankering for language and warming wine.

I have emerged from the snow with persistent dislike for drivers of SUVs as well as the SUVs themselves. Slow down lest you all by vexing find yourselves in ditches.

* * *

Today I am refreshing my knowledge of Latin grammar online. Faulty technological connection keeps me from reviewing the fourth declension of nouns. Give me gradus, give me grapes.

beatus sis / May you be blessed. Or: Beat us, sis. As my clan of backwoods siblings and I would say to the nun on sunnier days. And then commit hortatory outbursts.

* * *

The Signs indicating which is men’s and which is women’s, which had appeared and as quickly disappeared, have returned to the bathroom doors.

No midgets were in the cafeteria, Latino or otherwise.

Do I have tinnitus? Or are you a goat in the vulgus? A ram in the auster? Big cheeks blow the snow around.

* * *

A lone banana awaits me and beet fumes are in the air. I predict blue for the weekend, the light bright sort.


Blogger Number Mouth said...

Beatus is in the eye of the beholder.

2:29 AM  

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