Thursday, February 24, 2005

Making The Elephant Well

Moose Tracks were obtained but yet no burrito.

The MCL is in my boyfriend (a.k.a. Mark, a.k.a. MAK). Technical note: the new MCL is actually an Achilles tendon from someone else's body. I am prepared to write my horror story memoir about the alien soul inside him taking over.

The surgery got me two days off work. (Thanks, MAK, for going through all that so I could have a little vacation. You really are the best.)

Day 1: After my cold morning jog, MAK and I left for the surgery center. I sat behind the anesthesiologist while he delivered one of many sets of 20 questions. Have you had anything to eat or drink? Are you on any medications? Do you like burritos? How about elephants? How many toes do you have? After these questions, I gave MAK's mouth a pre-surgery kiss and returned to the lobby with my bag full of Sunday New York Times (in which I found nice photos of Juliette Binoche and Audrey Tautou) and Infinite Jest. More than four hours later, after I'd read the large remaining bulk of the NYT and 60 pages of IJ, while simultaneously listening to Finding Nemo almost two times through, I was called to bring the limo around. MAK was ready. At home, after some Ramen with tuna and spices, I joined MAK in a vicodin nightcap and slept.

Day 2: MAK shuddered in much pain. I took Gracie through the car wash. I opened a box of Legos I'd bought for post-surgery entertainment. MAK found the page showing how to build the elephant and I went to it. Damnation!--a piece was missing. I tried the monkey--a piece was missing! We both tried the hi-tech tractor. Damnation. A piece was missing. If I were a child I would be feeling the terminal weight of creative failure. Instead I have given my neck some rest and will return with a new monkey in mind. The Lego Conspiracy does not sit well, and everybody knows what bad posture looks like in old age. Straighten up, Lego, or karma will take its osteo-toll on you.

Today work resumes and once again I throw coins in the well, wishing for work that allows time off at my discretion. What the well is: the internet, my brain, and the touched people.


Blogger Sara said...

Thanks, Kate. I'll pass on those wishes. And, yes, I think at some point he definitely deserves a strong drink made by one or both of us after poisoning us with bloody marys.

12:35 PM  
Blogger cupcake said...

send Mark my love, but not in the way that you show him love because that would be gross...just hit him in the face with the pink dildo for me and I'm sure he'll get the picture.

1:40 PM  

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