Thursday, November 30, 2006

i once was hot but now i jitter

Earlier a visual memory came to me: when I was a little girl, at the grocery store with my mom, I wandered away. She looked up and down aisles for me and finally located me lying down in the freezer where the frozen pizzas were kept. "I was hot," I told her.

Frenetic-thought day, pictures and booms, and then quick inner-visual show about blood pressure running to the sound of accordions and a mouse occurred, and a wonder about sickness of no specific sort. The bathrooms here are not clean and that can’t help the sickness.

It would be a whole different world if we began each of our words with a z. Zand zthen zI zsaid zto zher, zbite zme. It would be a whole world different if none of us had noses. This possibility has been visiting me for the past 15 years.

I hope universal nose-loss doesn’t ever happen because it creeps me out as much as plastic mechanical toys that sing and dance.

There is no theme here but bad coffee jitters and a stack child-high of manuscripts on circadian rhythm, and an accordion that continues to loop storyward partially eastward, and gravel.


Blogger Number Mouth said...

Zthat zwas za zreally zawesome zpart zabout zthe zfreezer zsection. zVisually Zaccurate, zI zwas zcold zreading zit.

12:38 AM  
Blogger kim said...

Funny! I once got lost at my mom's college reunion b/c I liked to climb steps a lot and i repeatedly climbed one set while the others kept going.

10:53 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

wow, how disturbing when absolutely everything starts with z's. makes me feel like static electricity.

kim, you're great.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Number Mouth said...

it made my teeth hurt when i just thought about feeling electric-ish

4:29 PM  
Blogger Benjamin said...

cool kid. these writings have got me smiling :)

10:30 PM  

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