Friday, August 12, 2005

straddling a caesura in the face

Hiatus broken, I bought a CD yesterday. I had been impulsively, compulsively, voraciously, bacchically buying CDs and decided to put a stop to it—because where do I think I’m getting the money for the buying?—however keeping in mind a short list of music I would need to buy when it became available. Yesterday was the first on that list: Sons and Daughters—The Repulsion Box.

A little more than a year ago on a whim I saw this band with Melissa. We didn’t know what to expect, and they pleased us immensely. They were energy itself, very exciting. We saw them again months later in DC opening for Clinic (who bored me either because they just did or because I had a dreadful cold and couldn’t take in air without coughing up a tablespoon of phlegm and by that time of night was ready to knock myself out with whatever could). Sons and Daughters might have passed me by if I had heard them only on CD first. That first time live, I was tired and they roused me into a buzz.

A review of The Repulsion Box on Other Music describes the play between the male and female vocals as "urgent" and "erotically charged". I was glad to read this. The band excited me and I’m pretty sure I blushed and flushed while Scott Patterson and Adele Bethel had vigorous sonic sex right there on the stage. Indeed I developed a crush on the short Scottish fellow with a voice from the deep depths of bass. I am glad to read someone else has perceived the sexy charge in them and I wasn’t just being fanciful or responding to some extraneous horniness. I need more listens before further comment on the new album. It kindles me but I sense that like the Love the Cup EP it may be too quickly exhaustible. That could change. Meanwhile, keep the live shows coming, all puns intended.

For now I return to CD-buying celibacy until others from my list pop up. In other news, in an article about a recent court case I read on that CBGB’s pays $19,000 a month for rent. This figure recalls my first experience in New York City, a small-town girl having spent next to nil time in any large city. A bird shat on my shoulder, and to my cocked surprise everything was much too big to fear loss or dissolution in, like false gods you might dismantle, or just see eye to eye with.


Blogger glomgold said...

You are only the 2nd person I know who's been shat on by an overhead bird!
I know nothing of this Repulsion Box but am quite familiar with the CD-buying celibacy. It blows.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

I'm curious about this other shat-on person. CD-celibacy and still kicking...

8:34 AM  

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