Thursday, January 06, 2005

Life and Death in the Key of Green

The water broke. A baby is about to be born. Not mine. Mark’s sister-in-law. That means I’m about to become the girlfriend of a new uncle. Some strange sort of aunt, both industrious and sensitive. Somebody send me a Hallmark for this true occasion. Somebody? Somebody.

Insomnia and MNOTS have tracked me down, honed in with their needle-stingers. Soon they will take me into their green-glowing ship and use my body parts for fuel. Fuckers.

Mark's dad suggested I get a white noise machine, which I had considered but not taken any further than that. Then last night I saw end of the preview for White Noise, from which I got that THE DEAD speak through white noise. Maybe they'll kill me and that will cure this demon sleeplessness.

Change the channel: I love insomnia and MNOTS. I will use them for my better good.

Listening with emotional drip to Iron & Wine (thanks, Kate).

More later on babies and the dead.


Blogger glomgold said...

Couldn't you just use a staticky TV or radio to perform the same function as a white noise machine?

5:24 PM  
Blogger Mr Anigans said...

sometimes i use the fan to create white noise.
sometimes it helps.
sometimes i want to gnaw on my leg until i fall asleep from pain.

10:59 PM  
Blogger cupcake said...

Congratulations girlfriend of a new uncle! I've been there before, it's a weird place, I got introduced to the baby as "Aunt" Melissa. Though, ya know, I wasn't married to the guy so it was odd and all. I wonder if that baby knows his "Aunt" Melissa has ditched him for other kids.

Fan sleeping is always good, the movement of air leads to delicious dreams. Try it. Or get one of those nature sounds tapes and fall asleep to waterfalls every night.

9:30 AM  

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