Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Icy Famous

I just learned that the guy who created Dippin' Dots got his undergraduate and graduate degrees in microbiology from Southern Illinois University--Carbondale, where I got my undergraduate degrees. When I first saw these Dippin' Dots being sold, I was drawn to them. They never hit me right, though. Cool idea. And they look cool, Willy Wonka-style, Candyland-Style. My kind of thing. But I'd much rather have a gigantic bowl heaped with ice cream.

Jenny McCarthy also went to SIUC. And Jim Belushi.

Why am I not famous yet? Because I'm not yet dead. Because I'm just not.


Blogger Sara said...

Yeah, maybe they're more particular to the midwest, though you my fellow one, should have known. They mostly appear at fairs where there is mud and grease and sketchy rides run by toothless dirty people.

8:25 AM  

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