Monday, June 06, 2005


Perpendicular lines of traffic came to perch at changing lights. There was a slowing down, a mock-stop, before she would turn right on red. A loud goose came honking from behind. She moved her eyes to the rearview mirror. A white Mercedes SUV, an abrasive woman-face—minor she-devil—tipped back to catch water from a bottle tilted upward. The She hardened her eyes into the devil in the rearview. Flipped up her forearm, all fingers down but the middle one, erect between the seats for a clear view from behind. Knee-jerk. The She never gestures this gesture. Never. Caused by some foul force from beyond. She-devil bats out an angry city-hand that says, What the fuck? The She responds with the same—but in mockery. Inane non-verbals. Says, Fuck off to the rearview.

Muscles relax and The She laughs an open-mouthed laugh at the ignorance that knots the she-devil, at the butterfly effect the she-devil could have struck into action with one measled lay of the hand, one insensitive fingering. Decidedly, the she-devil could never play the flute or please a body part by part. Imprecision. Careless acting. Ungrand grand canyon. With the lay of a laugh and a re-casting of eyes, The She stopped the motion in its Mercedes casing, put hostility fast in a bunching ripple back to its source. She-devil, the great wide with her boomeranged anger, hunkers back half in her basement, half in her attic, caught sisyphean in parallel with herself.


Blogger {illyria} said...

though it does not read like it at the onset, this piece exudes some kind of raw darkness--forged by a city-rage. asphalt and steel and lost intentions.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

how weird. i thought i had commented in response to your last post but it wasn't there. and i'm sure i responded to you here, but it isn't here. i said something like, "raw darkness, yes." and something about the drive to not let city-rage get to me. and those intentions that become buried in such. ghosts.

2:46 PM  
Blogger glomgold said...

Well, I think that lady deserved it and I hope her blood pressure is now one permanent notch higher.

1:28 PM  

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